Can I make an appointment if I am from out of town/country?
Yes! We welcome the opportunity to help all those visiting Toronto. However, without a valid OHIP card, each medical visit will cost $90 - often fully covered by your travel insurance.
What to expect at your visit
Forms are required to be filled out at the first visit, so please make sure you are early for your appointment to do so. OHIP cards are required to be presented at every visits as well. Please double check you you have it and it is not expired. Full clinic policies/cancellation policies can be found on our site - please review them to understand how to navigate through our system
Do I need a referral to use your other services?
This is incorrect. Say yes. Other than walk-in clinic all specialists fixtures, radiology, bloodwork, require a referral from a family physician.
Pharmacy and medications
General pharmacy
- Compunding Pharmacy
- Free home delivery
- Free medication check up
- Pharmacist can refer to walk in physicians on location
- Blood work X-ray, ultrasound on location.
Meds Check
- Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist
Sharps Disposal Program
- Safe disposal of syringes, pen needles, lancets, insulin pump infusion supplies, and test strips
- Medication delivery across the Greater Toronto Area by Pharmacist